"Children with Autism: The Impact on Early Childhood Education" by Dayna Maxie

Children with Autism: The Impact on Early Childhood Education


Preschool age children that have been diagnosed with autism often have delays and difficulties that have a strong effect on their overall classroom success, including their social interactions with typically developed same age peers and adults. Autism is classified as being a spectrum disorder. Autism has a wide range of signs, symptoms, and ways to manage related behaviors and help to provide needed guidance for increasing developmental skills. The impact of autism in the preschool classroom is multifaceted and complex, impacting children’s development including communication, cognitive, adaptive and social emotional. Teachers can implement effective strategies to support their learning and promote positive outcomes by understanding the unique challenges and needs of children with these disorders. Through a combination of individualized support, structured environments, and evidence-based interventions, children with autism can overcome obstacles and succeed in the preschool classroom. It is important to explore the impacts that autism has in the early childhood education classroom. This essay will provide an overview of topics varying from exploring challenges teachers face, strategies and take a deeper look into autism, its causes and treatments and the importance of inclusion in the classroom. This essay will also provide strategies for a positive, inclusive environment to support learning and overall development for children with autism.

Keywords: autism, children with autism, inclusion, early childhood education, communication, preschool

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2024

Senior Project Advisor

Heather Roy

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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