"Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Information War: Effect on U.S. Milita" by James Graves

Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Information War: Effect on U.S. Military and Civilians


With sensationalized news media covering modern conflicts, many viewers fail to contextualize the battles and wars being fought across the globe. This leads to a heavily distorted or simplified view of the reasons why modern nations go to war. This paper serves as a means to analyze and refine a dialogue about the current war in Ukraine to synthesize ideas about the modern battlefield. On 24 February 2022 Russia launched an organized invasion of Ukraine, a prospective NATO ally, in the hopes of a swift takeover and expansion of territory. This maneuver was also seen as a way to weaken NATO’s presence in the East by denying Ukraine, which shares a border with Russia, a place within NATO. This war, with Russia seen as the invading aggressor by the West, has sparked a fire under the U.S. military to begin reevaluating the way we train to conduct warfare. The past two decades of irregular warfare and counterinsurgency throughout the GWOT may have left the U.S. armed forces ill-equipped to deal with a near-peer adversary, the likes of which have not been fought against in nearly one hundred years.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2023

Senior Project Advisor

Dr. Tricia Jordan

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Military Studies

Document Type


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