"Instructional Technology is a Vital Tool in Today’s Classroom" by Austin Wynn


For my project, I am going to be talking about instructional technology. Before being in the program I was once an elementary education major and I thought that technology in the classroom had served a major role in today’s education. According to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology: “Instructional technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.” Instructional technology is important in today’s classroom because it gives students another way to learn and comprehend ideas in learning about different topics. If I decide to go back to elementary education to finish my degree, I want to express how vital using technology in the classroom today is. I hope from this project I learn the different websites, ideas, teaching strategies, programs and how to help the students use technology to further their education rather than hinder them from learning. Going through this project, I will be discussing items such as: What are the standards for using Instructional Technology? What are teacher’s opinions and experiences while using Instructional Technology in the Elementary Classroom? Why is it important to develop their technology skills? And what are different types of Instructional Technology?

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2017

Senior Project Advisor

Dr. Jacqueline Hansen

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type

