"Journeying Through ELD Curriculum Writing" by Deborah Hare-Workman

Journeying Through ELD Curriculum Writing

Year Capstone Completed


ENG997 & ENG998 Instructor

Kristie Ennis, D.A., MLIS, NBCT


An ESL Specialist describes her deep dive into writing English Language Development (ELD) curriculum, moving educators from the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition: Kindergarten—Grade 12 into a practical curriculum from which to build lessons. She delves into the tensions she encountered rendering the framework into a curriculum: building teacher capacity using WIDA’s pedagogical approach informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics, differentiating for those with special needs or lower English proficiencies, and aligning the curriculum with a curricular program. The context and actualization of creating this curriculum are described and excerpts provided with the purpose of offering a timely model for educational entities that ascribe to the WIDA consortium but are just now creating or evaluating their ELD curriculum.


Deborah Hare-Workman, Ed. S., D.A., is an English as a Second Language Specialist with the Lincoln Intermediate Unit in Pennsylvania. Dr. Hare advocates for policy implementation and effective instruction of multilingual learners that leverage their lingual and cultural assets. She graduated with a Doctor of Arts in English Pedagogy, in May 2023, from Murray State University. For her capstone, Journeying Through ELD Curriculum Writing, Deborah researched how to create an English Language Development curriculum using Systemic Functional Linguistics as she rendered the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 edition, into a K-12 curriculum. Dr. Hare also holds an Ed.S. in Educational Leadership from Liberty University, a MA in Humanities: English, a MS in Curriculum and Instruction, and a BS in Education: Library Science. Holding multiple professional certifications in Pennsylvania and Texas, she has been teaching general and special education students for 22 years and fulfilling professional development requests for six years. It is her pleasure to work with multilingual learners and their educational teams.
