"Assurance of Learning (AoL) Success: A Faculty-Centric Model" by Ma. Pitzel Camba Krotova

Murray State Theses and Dissertations


The main goal of this dissertation research project is to investigate what faculty-specific factors influence faculty participation in assurance of learning (AoL), AoL success, and faculty impact on P-20 stakeholders. Towards this goal, the study proposed a faculty-centric research model based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). The research model centers on understanding faculty attitudinal, normative, and control beliefs and how these beliefs influence faculty intention to participate in AoL, actual participation in AoL, AoL success, and impact on P-20 stakeholders. The research model was empirically tested using a sample of active faculty in the United States and abroad (n = 490). The participants filled out a web-based quantitative survey that also included two open-ended questions aimed at supplementing and clarifying responses to the quantitative questions. The scales used to measure the constructs were validated via Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Cronbach’s alpha reliability test. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the relationship among the constructs. Overall, the results indicate that TPB can be used for predicting faculty intentions and behaviors in relation to AoL. The results also show that faculty participation in AoL is a significant predictor of AoL success and faculty impact on P-20 stakeholders. Still, the results suggest that AoL is a complex system that cannot be fully explained by faculty’s participation alone. Specific recommendations for leaders in higher education on how to improve faculty participation in AoL, AoL success, and faculty impact on P-20 stakeholders are formulated based on these findings and the literature. Further research is needed to understand the gaps between faculty intentions and actual behaviors in relation to AoL, faculty AoL participation and AoL success, as well as AoL success and faculty impact on P-20 stakeholders.

Year manuscript completed


Year degree awarded


Author's Keywords

AoL, assurance of learning, assessment, success, faculty, theory of planned behavior

Dissertation Committee Chair

Brian Bourke

Committee Member

Teresa Clark

Committee Member

K. Renee Fister

Document Type

Dissertation - Murray State Access only
