"Effects of Agricultural Education and Career and Technology on Georgia" by Ellison Crews

Murray State Theses and Dissertations


Student’s achievement is directly linked to teacher evaluation as well as school and district CCRPI scores. The researcher conducted Independent two sample t-tests comparing student’s achievement on Georgia Milestone test in geometry, algebra, and biology at the district and state level for students enrolled in agricultural education courses, Non-agricultural education CTAE courses and non-CTAE courses. On the state level, student’s scores were grouped into the four-achievement level of Beginning, Developing, Proficient, and Distinguished. No individual scores were available so an average mean score was representative of each students score in the four categories. This study included Independent two sample t-tests for each group listed in each subject and as a whole. The researcher also conducted Independent two sample t-tests for agricultural education students and Non-agricultural education students as Brantley County High School. This data used exact test scores from the 2017-2019 school years comparing gender results of the two subgroups and overall subgroup results. The Brantley County High School data only provided two subgroups because of scheduling for the school. Students are required to complete a CTAE pathway so there was not a Non-CTAE group. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of agricultural education on student achievement in each of the educational disciplines. This study included scores of students in each of the three specified groups for the 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20 school years. The data for this study was retrieved from the Georgia Department of Education and the Brantley County Board of Education.

Year manuscript completed


Year degree awarded


Author's Keywords

Agricultural Education, Georgia Milestone Assessment, and CTAE

Dissertation Committee Chair

Kristie B. Guffey

Committee Chair

Kristie B Guffey

Committee Member

Alyx M Shultz

Committee Member

Richard Dodson

Document Type

