"Can Libraries be “Antibodies” Against the “Infodemic”?" by David Sye

Can Libraries be “Antibodies” Against the “Infodemic”?


David SyeFollow

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date


Publication Title

Intellectual Freedom Blog


University Libraries - Public Services


University Libraries


Agenda-driven books regarding COVID-19 and vaccines are appearing as top results on retail searches. Those of you who have worked library reference are most likely accustomed to patrons showing you an Amazon page on their phone asking “can you get me this book?” Performing a book search for “COVID-19” via both Amazon and Barnes and Noble shows books suggesting debunked conspiracy theories within the first ten results. Additionally, searches on OCLC WorldCat reveal that books with such misleading or debunked information wind up on the shelves of public, college, and high school libraries.


Available at: https://www.oif.ala.org/oif/?p=24725

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