""ILLUMINATION The Sculpture of James O. Clark" catalogue" by T. Michael Martin

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 11-11-2021

Publication Title

ILLUMINATION The Sculpture of James O. Clark


Art and Design


College of Humanities and Fine Arts


It has been a challenging journey to mine and sift through the body of work of James O. Clark to select a representation of his studio practice and 50-year career. While curating "Illumination: the Sculpture of James O. Clark," I encountered more than the common curatorial concerns such as artwork availability, scale, aesthetic and conceptual themes, transportation and presentation issues. During my conversations with Clark, we found ourselves in an unprecedented pandemic – impacting travel, shipping, and studio visits.Throughout this process, Clark and I remained flexible to ensure a representation of his career could be exhibited without compromise. Selections for "Illumination" are representative of his studio explorations with light and fascination with optical relationships, space, darkness, reflection, and sculptural manipulations of a range of materials throughout the years. "Illumination" is a survey of work created by Clark from 1993 - 2020.



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