"Mutual Muses: James Seawright and Mimi Garrard" by T. Michael Martin

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2-5-2019

Publication Title

Mutual Muses: James Seawright and Mimi Garrard


Art and Design


College of Humanities and Fine Arts


Mutual Muses: James Seawright and Mimi Garrard

Catalogue published on the occasion of the 2018 - 2019 exhibition, Mutual Muses: James Seawright and Mimi Garrard, organized by the Clara M. Eagle Gallery, Murray State University, Murray, KY. This exhibition project and catalogue were supported by a generous grant from the Creative Motif Fund.

Mutual Muses is a two-person exhibition showcasing works by James Seawright and Mimi Garrard, who have been working together as well as individually since the 1960s. Their lives and practice have inspired each other throughout their careers. This exhibition is an interwoven love story featuring individual works by Seawright and Garrard as well as ones inspired by the other and those created collaboratively. Their life of interconnectivity as mutual muses is beautifully explored and presented in this survey exhibition.


Mutual Muses: James Seawright and Mimi Garrard

Catalogue published on the occasion of the 2018 - 2019 exhibition, Mutual Muses: James Seawright and Mimi Garrard, organized by the Clara M. Eagle Gallery, Murray State University, Murray, KY. This exhibition project and catalogue were supported by a generous grant from the Creative Motif Fund.

Curatorial Essay by:

T. Michael Martin is Assistant Professor of art and design and director of the University Galleries at Murray State University, where he has been since 2015. He received his BFA in painting from the University of Tennessee in 2002 and his MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2005. In 2006 he founded the Basement Gallery in Knoxville and later became a partner in Three Flights Up Gallery, also in Knoxville. He spent several years at the Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture before moving coming to Murray State. His research and curatorial interests include Contemporary Art, Painting, Drawing, Installation Art, Performance Art, Collaborative, Interactive, Experimental, Interdisciplinary, and New Media Art. This catalogue also features an essay by BARBARA A. MACADAM. MacAdam is Editor at Large of ARTnews, where she has worked since 1987 in various editorial capacities. She has also worked as an editor for Art + Auction, Review: Latin American Literature and Arts, and New York magazine, among other publications. She has reviewed books on art and literature for such publications as the LA Times Book Review, Newsday, and the New York Times Book Review, and contributed articles on art, design, and literature to various magazines and newspapers. She is also a curator and serves on the board of the International Art Critics Association and is on the advisory committee of the Paris-based Arts Arena.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Sculpture Commons



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