"Examining the Pedagogical Practices of Business Faculty: A Qualitative" by Ashley Ireland, Dana Statton Thompson et al.

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Ithaka S+R Research Support Services


University Libraries - Public Services


University Libraries


During the 2018-2019 academic year, the Murray State University Libraries conducted a study to examine the pedagogical practices of business instructors who teach undergraduates at Murray State University. The study was part of a larger suite of parallel studies of business instructors at higher education institutions in the United States and was coordinated by Ithaka S+R, a non-profit organization that provides research and strategic guidance to help libraries navigate economic and technological change. Participating institutions, including Baruch College (CUNY), Bowling Green State University, Georgia Tech, Grand Valley State University, Kansas State University, Michigan Technological University, Murray State University, North Carolina Central University, Providence College, Queens College (CUNY), Santa Clara University, University at Buffalo (SUNY), University of St. Thomas, and the University of Texas at San Antonio, engaged in local studies of business instructors teaching practices and compiled independent research results and recommendations for creating or enhancing local library services and supports. Participating institutions then contributed their findings to Ithaka S+R to create a capstone report. The capstone report provides a cumulative view of the evolving needs of business instructors and includes recommendations that libraries, universities, and business associations can use to support the changing teaching needs of business instructors.


Further information available on the Ithaka S+R blog.

"Joining Together to Support Undergraduate Instruction: A New Program from Ithaka S+R." Danielle Cooper, April 3, 2018.


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