"Telling Your Story: Articulating Your Value as a Technical Services Li" by Leslie Engelson and Christina Torbert

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Atla PDA Series


University Libraries - Technical Services


University Libraries


If you can translate your skills and achievements so others see their value and impact, everyone wins.

Whether justifying the need to fill an open position, writing a tenure or promotion narrative, or even carrying on a conversation with a colleague, librarians who work in Technical Services are often challenged to articulate what they do and the value it brings to the institution they serve. In this webinar we will discuss:

  • The challenge of defining value in the context of technical services
  • Assessment measures that determine the impact of technical services “products” on users
  • Connecting the impact of technical services to the mission of the institution
  • Developing a 30-second elevator speech to explain the value of technical services to those outside the library

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