Document Type

Research Tool

Publication Date

Fall 11-11-2020

Publication Title

CTE Leadership Self-Efficacy Scale (CLSE)


Adolescent, Career and Special Education


College of Education & Human Services


The development of the CTE Leadership Self Efficacy Scale [α .944] (CTE LSES) was guided by ACTE's High Quality Framework. We generated a factor analysis with the following dimensions: technical skills, 9 items; human skills, 15 items; and conceptual skills, 11 items. In total, 154 secondary and postsecondary CTE leaders provided complete ratings on the 35-item CTE LSE Scale. Responses to all measures were scaled from 1 (not at all) to 5 (a great deal). The scale reliabilities for the 5- item scales of each dimension for this sample were as follows: technical skills (α .845); human skills (α .881); and conceptual skills (α .827).



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