"Sun Safety Education: A Glance at Calloway County Schools" by Tess S. Henderson

Date on Honors Thesis

Spring 5-2023


Public and Community Health



Examining Committee Member

Elizabeth Gordon, PhD, Advisor

Examining Committee Member

Jessica Naber, PhD

Examining Committee Member

Kimberly Minter-Verge


The American Academy of Dermatology states that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer within the United States (Skin Cancer, 2022), and more than two people die of the disease each hour (Skin Cancer Facts & Statistics, 2023). From a public health perspective one avenue to explore in lowering skin cancer rates is a focus on sun safety education lessons aimed at school children. The proposed project aims to assess the current status of sun safety education in Calloway County elementary and middle schools via a survey of teachers within these schools. After data was collected, it was analyzed to determine the adequacy of sun safety education within the schools. Based on responses from 14 K-8 teachers , recommendations were made for content to include in sun safety lessons, for sun safety materials to be accessible to students in school, and to highlight the importance of having parents or guardians informed on the sun safety content being taught. Limitations to the study, including small sample size, are also addressed.
