"The Relationship of Insufficient Resources to Leadership Burnout in Ru" by Keilee Webb

Date on Honors Thesis

Winter 12-1-2023


Nonprofit Leadership Studies


General Special Education

Examining Committee Member

Robin Esau

Examining Committee Member

Dr. Elise Kieffer

Examining Committee Member

Mike Gowen


The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze the relationship between the lack of resources in nonprofit organizations and burnout. In this literature review, the aim is to explore various resources affecting nonprofit entities as they relate to organizational capacity. These specific resources will be reviewed and discussed to understand how closely related those resources are to burnout. Additionally, the implications of nonprofit employee and volunteer burnout will be analyzed. Within the literature review, the research indicates nonprofits in rural United States are more likely to encounter a deficit in connections to resources than their urban counterparts. This analysis aims to understand the impact of resource availability and utilization to better explain and understand the relationship it has with nonprofit organizations that experience burnout from employees and volunteers.
