"Advertising to Generation Z" by Taryn Romaine

Date on Honors Thesis

Spring 5-8-2024


Advertising and Graphic Communications Media (Double Major)

Examining Committee Member

Dr. Marcie Hinton, Associate Professor, Advisor

Examining Committee Member

Brent Norsworthy, Senior Instructor, Committee Member

Examining Committee Member

Gill Welsch, Senior Instructor, Committee Member


The goal of this project is to analyze the history and background of those born between 1997 and 2012, also known as Generation Z, and determine its effect on how this Generation receives and reacts to advertising. In addition, through the use of a personally created and conducted poll, I gathered data on a portion of Generation Z individuals and their preferences to certain elements of advertisement design. These elements are text content, layout, color, and relatability/authenticity. My project discusses how advertisers and advertisement designers, such as myself, can implement these preferences in order to effectively advertise to Generation Z. This project consists of research on the history of Generation Z and their reactions to an exploratory experiment. I conclude this project with a tentative determination on the best elements to use on a Generation Z-centric advertisement.
