Date on Honors Thesis

Spring 4-23-2024


Cybersecurity and Network Management

Examining Committee Member

Dr. Randall Joyce, Advisor

Examining Committee Member

Dr. Faris Sahawneh, Committee Member

Examining Committee Member

Mr. Jake Hildebrant, Committee Member


The goal of this research is to explore, identify, and enumerate the security threats that exist to industry current industrial controls systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA). A scale lab similar to industry standard will be built and developed for research purposes. The Purdue Model for ICS and the Cyber Kill Chain will be referenced as frameworks for attack sequences, and the MITRE ATT&CK framework will be referenced for attack types. Attempts will be made to compromise the various pieces of our built SCADA system via configuration errors, software vulnerabilities, and deployment mistakes common with industrial applications, while searching for additional vulnerabilities that could pose a security threat to critical systems. Recommendations for proper ICS monitoring system deployment and vulnerability mitigation will be made.
