"Integrating an Action Plan into the Standard Entrepreneurial Higher E" by Blakely Broder

Date on Honors Thesis

Spring 5-1-2020


Management/ Entrepreneurship

Examining Committee Member

Dr. Steve Dublin, Advisor

Examining Committee Member

Dr. Heath Keller, PhD, Committee Member

Examining Committee Member

Dr. Kemaly Parr, PhD, Committee Member


In these increasingly complex times, entrepreneurship has become a common tool for innovative, economic, and social growth. Its adaptability has made it a prime instrument for addressing market failures and facilitating innovation (as cited in McMullen & Cahoon, 1979). Due to entrepreneurship’s crucial role in our modern, innovation-based economy, there has been a particular interest in the efficacy of current entrepreneurial education curriculums and instruction methods.

Discussion has risen about how to design the most effective entrepreneurial higher education curriculum. An effective curriculum in this context would be defined as one that yields the most value creation (Bruyat & Julien 2001; Moberg 2012). However, value can be created in various ways. From small start-ups to large enterprises, social and economic value can be generated in many different environments and in many different forms. The goal of our higher education system should be designing a curriculum that not only educates students on what entrepreneurship is, but how to be entrepreneurial so that students can apply their education to generate economic and social value. This paper proposes a method to bridge the gap between traditional knowledge-based entrepreneurial curriculums and more progressive experiential learning programs.
