Aims & Scope | International Journal of Regional Issues in the Arts | Faculty-Edited Journals | Murray State University

International Journal of Regional Issues in the Arts

Aims & Scope

MISSION: The International Journal of Regional Issues in the Arts serves both academic researchers and scholar-practitioners by providing a space to report the results of their work.

Each issue will feature approximately three research articles having a focus on an arts issue within a specific geographic region, as opposed to issues of national or international scope. Each issue will also feature approximately three articles documenting the praxis of art as an attempt to document something new, the goals for the attempt, and the results of the attempt. Each issue will also include one or two critical analyses of current art.

VISION: The International Journal of Regional Issues in the Arts will be the preeminent location for artists and arts researchers to publish their discoveries together, documenting both incremental scientific research as well as explored artistic concepts and ideas.

TOPIC: The International Journal of Regional Issues in the Arts focuses on research and practice that examine questions relevant to a regional arts organizations or communities. While most research can be inferred to extend beyond the results of the studied sample, the journal looks specifically for issues that are intended to study regional results, without an intentionality to extrapolate those results onto the larger population as whole. The practice aspect is unique in that we seek reports from practitioners that identify their concept, clearly define the goals of the concept, cite literature that supports their conceptual notion, describes the development and creation of the concept, and finally, demonstrates the results and conclusion by exploring how well goals were met and what was learned from the process.

PERIODICY: The Journal will be published quarterly, featuring approximately six articles and two reviews.


Once our editor accepts a submission, it will be double blind peer reviewed by independent, anonymous experts.