Increasing Voter Turnout in Kentucky Elections
Program Class Name
Governor’s Scholars Program, Murray State University, 2018: Business, Accounting and Entrepreneurship
Due to significantly low voter participation in Kentucky elections (as low as 11% turnout in specific counties’ primary elections) the need to increase voter turnout in specific Kentucky counties and across the state has become paramount. Research and our team’s own understanding has led us to conclude that passing a bill that adds a voter education course to Kentucky high school graduation curriculum will better Kentucky democracy by increasing voter turnout.
Increasing Voter Turnout in Kentucky Elections
Due to significantly low voter participation in Kentucky elections (as low as 11% turnout in specific counties’ primary elections) the need to increase voter turnout in specific Kentucky counties and across the state has become paramount. Research and our team’s own understanding has led us to conclude that passing a bill that adds a voter education course to Kentucky high school graduation curriculum will better Kentucky democracy by increasing voter turnout.