"Evaluating the Impact of Rhizomicrobes Application on CBD Hemp and Soi" by Alexandria Riddle, Iin Handayani et al.

Evaluating the Impact of Rhizomicrobes Application on CBD Hemp and Soil: First Year Study

Project Abstract

In recent years an interest has developed in the rising hemp commodity. One way to improve hemp production is by applying soil amendments such as rhizomicrobes (SoilCare). The objective of this study was to determine the impacts of different rates of rhizomicrobes solution on hemp growth parameters, hemp yield, and soil properties. The experiment was conducted on West Farm, owned by Murray State University in western Kentucky using CBD hemp, planted in June 2020. The rhizomicrobes solution was applied prior to planting at the rates of 1 gal/ acre (Treatment 1), 0.5 gal/ acre (Treatment 2), 0.25 gal/ acre (Treatment 3), as well as control. Hemp parameter measures were chlorophyll, true leaves, CBD content, height, and yield. Soil properties were analyzed for macronutrients, Cation Exchange Capacity, base saturation, pH and organic matter after harvesting with no replication. The research shows that the highest CBD level, yield, and chlorophyll was observed in treatment three (0.25 gal/ acre). Hemp seems to have similar height in all treatments. During first year study, soil fertility status was not significantly affected by rhizomicrobes application rates. This experiment will be replicated in the following years to obtain more detailed findings. The use of rhizomicrobes is expected to be beneficial for future CBD hemp management practices because it allows the soil to be healthy and fertile thus providing sustainable hemp production.


Conference: A Creative Economy for Sustainable Development

Dates: November 7-10

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

Funding Type

Travel Grant

Academic College

Hutson School of Agriculture


Agriculture Science


Bachelors of Science in Agriculture




Dr. Iin Handayani

Academic College

Hutson School of Agriculture

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