"21st Century Warm-ups: Beginning Lessons with Engagement" by Kendyl Suess and Miguel Gomez

21st Century Warm-ups: Beginning Lessons with Engagement

Project Abstract

Dr. Gomez, will be helping me to prepare for this presentation. We have already met to discuss this project and prepare our proposal for the AMLE conference. Now that we have been accepted. He is helping me organize and prepare the individual parts to this presentation. We have schedule times this summer to collaborate and will continue this collaboration into the Fall. He has indicated that he will help me practice my presentation and will help review my materials for accuracy and relevancy. Finally, at the conference, we have three separate presentations of our project. Dr. Gomez has indicated that he will help me with the presentation the first time, while slowly relinquishing responsibility for the presentation so that by the final presentation, I am presenting it all.


Conference name (full, no abbreviations): Annual Conference for Middle Level Education

Dates: November 7th – 9th 2019

Sponsoring body: Association of Middle Level Educators (AMLE)

Conference website: http://www.amle.org/annual/Home/tabid/244/Default.aspx

Funding Type

Travel Grant

Academic College

College of Education & Human Services


Middle School Education/focus in English and Social Studies






Dr. Miguel Gomez

Academic College

College of Education & Human Services

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