College of Education: Middle School Education Session | 2016 - Spring Scholars Week

College of Education: Middle School Education Session

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College of Education: Middle School Education Session
Monday, April 18th
10:00 AM

Donors Choose Grant Project

Kelsey F. Bennett, Murray State University
Tamara J. Berry, Murray State University
Caleb M. Burcks, Murray State University

Tennessee Room, Curris Center

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

10:00 AM

Insta-Argument: Argumentative Writing Through a New Literacies Approach

Devan A. Wiser, Murray State University

Tennessee Room, Curris Center

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Through the use of new literacies, participants will engage in the beginning process of teaching argumentative writing through an Instagram graphic organizer.