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Dr. Timothy Spier
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Invasive species are a growing threat to aquatic ecosystems in the United States. Invasive species can compete with native species, alter habitats and reduce ecosystem function. A recent invader, Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, has successfully infiltrated much of the Mississippi River Basin and has established reproducing populations within the Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee Rivers. In 2004 Silver Carp were reported within Kentucky Lake, a large reservoir located on the Tennessee River in Western Kentucky. Although Silver Carp have been present in Kentucky Lake for over a decade, very little is known about the population, which makes it difficult to predict the potential impact of Silver Carp on native species as well as the future trajectory of the population. Information regarding population dynamics (i.e., recruitment, growth and mortality) is important for managers as well as commercial and recreational fishermen. Our first objective was to describe population dynamics of the Silver Carp population within Kentucky Lake, focusing on size structure, age structure and growth rates. Our second objective was to determine when Silver Carp spawn within Kentucky Lake by analyzing mean monthly gonadosomatic index (GSI). Silver Carp were collected from Kentucky Lake using a variety of sampling methods including gill nets, boat electrofishing, cast nets and commercial fishing. Preliminary data suggest that the Silver Carp population within Kentucky Lake is composed of one or two significant year-classes. These data are critical for modeling the future trajectory of the Silver Carp population within Kentucky Lake.
Large Ballroom, Curris Center
Start Date
April 2016
End Date
April 2016
Size Structure, Age, Growth and Spawning Periodicity of Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in Kentucky Lake, Kentucky
Large Ballroom, Curris Center
Invasive species are a growing threat to aquatic ecosystems in the United States. Invasive species can compete with native species, alter habitats and reduce ecosystem function. A recent invader, Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, has successfully infiltrated much of the Mississippi River Basin and has established reproducing populations within the Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee Rivers. In 2004 Silver Carp were reported within Kentucky Lake, a large reservoir located on the Tennessee River in Western Kentucky. Although Silver Carp have been present in Kentucky Lake for over a decade, very little is known about the population, which makes it difficult to predict the potential impact of Silver Carp on native species as well as the future trajectory of the population. Information regarding population dynamics (i.e., recruitment, growth and mortality) is important for managers as well as commercial and recreational fishermen. Our first objective was to describe population dynamics of the Silver Carp population within Kentucky Lake, focusing on size structure, age structure and growth rates. Our second objective was to determine when Silver Carp spawn within Kentucky Lake by analyzing mean monthly gonadosomatic index (GSI). Silver Carp were collected from Kentucky Lake using a variety of sampling methods including gill nets, boat electrofishing, cast nets and commercial fishing. Preliminary data suggest that the Silver Carp population within Kentucky Lake is composed of one or two significant year-classes. These data are critical for modeling the future trajectory of the Silver Carp population within Kentucky Lake.