SNHP | Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare
Stethoscope or Staphoscope: Bacterial Contamination of Stethosocopes
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Poster Presentation
The purpose of this poster is to outline a problem with stethoscope disinfection practices. Stethoscopes are not being cleaned after every time they come into contact with a patient by either the doctor or nurses. This raised concerned because stethoscopes come into contact with multiple patients and the hands of the physicians and nurses numerous of times a day. Therefore, organisms are having the chance to multiply on the stethoscope in between patients. Hence, stethoscopes should be seen as a potential basin for pathogenic growth.
Large Ballroom, Curris Center, Murray State University
Start Date
November 2016
End Date
November 2016
Stethoscope or Staphoscope: Bacterial Contamination of Stethosocopes
Large Ballroom, Curris Center, Murray State University
The purpose of this poster is to outline a problem with stethoscope disinfection practices. Stethoscopes are not being cleaned after every time they come into contact with a patient by either the doctor or nurses. This raised concerned because stethoscopes come into contact with multiple patients and the hands of the physicians and nurses numerous of times a day. Therefore, organisms are having the chance to multiply on the stethoscope in between patients. Hence, stethoscopes should be seen as a potential basin for pathogenic growth.