SNHP | Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare
Achieving a Zero Percent Rate of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection
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Dr. Marcia Hobbs
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSIs) are one of the largest, preventable problems that hospitals face. Hospital acquired infections such as CLABSIs and CAUTIs are major problems seen daily in healthcare that can be preventable if the correct precautions are taken and protocols followed. There are different protocols established on hospital-to-hospital basis. The research done for this paper is to implement the methods that are most effective in achieving a zero percent rate for CLABSIs.
Large Ballroom, Curris Center, Murray State University
Start Date
November 2016
End Date
November 2016
Achieving a Zero Percent Rate of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection
Large Ballroom, Curris Center, Murray State University
Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSIs) are one of the largest, preventable problems that hospitals face. Hospital acquired infections such as CLABSIs and CAUTIs are major problems seen daily in healthcare that can be preventable if the correct precautions are taken and protocols followed. There are different protocols established on hospital-to-hospital basis. The research done for this paper is to implement the methods that are most effective in achieving a zero percent rate for CLABSIs.