Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Change Detection of Mount Nyiragongo Post Eruption

JDJCSET | Our Global Environment: Past, Present and Future - Geosciences Seminar

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Earth Science



List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Dr. Robin Zhang

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Because of the dangerous nature of volcanic eruptions, it makes them very difficult to study, however this makes them even more important for us to study because of how much destruction they can cause in such a short amount of time. We need to study all parts of an eruption to gain more insight into the specifics of how a volcano works. Having a better understanding of how large of an area is effected by an eruption will allow governments to decide on evacuation procedures. The goal of my project is to answer a very simple question, “How can we use remote sensing to quantify the area of land effected by a volcanic eruption?” Nyiragongo is a stratovolcano near the border of The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. This will be the study area. It erupted on January 17th, 2002, during which the lava lake that was located within the crater of the volcano drained. These lava flows made it all the way to Goma Town which caused massive destruction within the city, and left many people homeless. An unsupervised classification of Landsat 7 images from before and after the eruption will be used to show the amount of damage done to Goma Town during this eruption.


Classroom 211 & Front-South Lobby, Waterfield Library

Start Date

18-11-2016 12:00 AM

End Date

18-4-2016 12:00 AM




Nov 18th, 12:00 AM Apr 18th, 12:00 AM

Change Detection of Mount Nyiragongo Post Eruption

Classroom 211 & Front-South Lobby, Waterfield Library

Because of the dangerous nature of volcanic eruptions, it makes them very difficult to study, however this makes them even more important for us to study because of how much destruction they can cause in such a short amount of time. We need to study all parts of an eruption to gain more insight into the specifics of how a volcano works. Having a better understanding of how large of an area is effected by an eruption will allow governments to decide on evacuation procedures. The goal of my project is to answer a very simple question, “How can we use remote sensing to quantify the area of land effected by a volcanic eruption?” Nyiragongo is a stratovolcano near the border of The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. This will be the study area. It erupted on January 17th, 2002, during which the lava lake that was located within the crater of the volcano drained. These lava flows made it all the way to Goma Town which caused massive destruction within the city, and left many people homeless. An unsupervised classification of Landsat 7 images from before and after the eruption will be used to show the amount of damage done to Goma Town during this eruption.