COHFA | Psychology: Projects in Progress
Standing Out While Fitting In: The Need for Distinctiveness and Belonging in Sport Fans
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Dan Wann, Ph.D.
Presentation Format
Oral Presentation
Both the need for distinctiveness and the need for belonging are important aspects of mood and behavior (Sheldon & Bettencourt, 2002; Lynn & Snyder, 2002;). Individuals exhibit the need for both processes through the way they dress, speak, and behave (Tian, Bearden, & Hunter 2001). Feeling like a part of a group, or belonging, is a key factor in team identification for sport fans (Theodorakis, Wann, Nassis, & Luellen 2012; Wann, Fahl, Erdmann, & Littleton, 1999; Wann, Melnick, Russell, & Pease, 2001). This research program was created to determine to what level an individual's need to belong or stand out impacts their choice of sport team or type. Thus far three studies are being conducted. Results and future plans will be discussed.
Classroom 210, Waterfield Library
Start Date
November 2016
End Date
November 2016
Psychology: Projects in Progress
Standing Out While Fitting In: The Need for Distinctiveness and Belonging in Sport Fans
Classroom 210, Waterfield Library
Both the need for distinctiveness and the need for belonging are important aspects of mood and behavior (Sheldon & Bettencourt, 2002; Lynn & Snyder, 2002;). Individuals exhibit the need for both processes through the way they dress, speak, and behave (Tian, Bearden, & Hunter 2001). Feeling like a part of a group, or belonging, is a key factor in team identification for sport fans (Theodorakis, Wann, Nassis, & Luellen 2012; Wann, Fahl, Erdmann, & Littleton, 1999; Wann, Melnick, Russell, & Pease, 2001). This research program was created to determine to what level an individual's need to belong or stand out impacts their choice of sport team or type. Thus far three studies are being conducted. Results and future plans will be discussed.