The Deconstruction Zone: EMT 305 | 2017 - Fall Scholars Week

The Deconstruction Zone: EMT 305

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Dual Axis Sun Tracking Solar Panel

Ezra J. Florence, Murray State University
Cody Smith, Murray State University
Abdulaziz Abdulah A Altewejri, Murray State University

It is a solar panel with an sensor array that will follow the sun for the highest highest energy output we can receive. 4 sensors will drive 2 DC motors using an arduino and relays.

EMT 305 Amatrol Robot Deconstruction

Max Kephart
Ibraham Alsharari

The goal for the students is to choose a mechanical device and take the item apart and document how the item was put together. The process should be documented so that the device could be put back together again. Some objects will be destroyed during the process and cannot be reassembled.

EMT 305 Powerflex 525 Allen Bradley Deconstruction

Hussam Sulaiman
Abdulaziz Abdalah Altewejri, Murray State University

The goal for the students is to choose a mechanical device and take the item apart and document how the item was put together. The process should be documented so that the device could be put back together again. Some objects will be destroyed during the process and cannot be reassembled..

EMT 305: Alternator Deconstruction

Hamoud Alshammari
Mohammed Alharbi

The goal for the students is to choose a mechanical device and take the item apart and document how the item was put together. The process should be documented so that the device could be put back together again. Some objects will be destroyed during the process and cannot be reassembled..

Junk Fan Project

Clay Riley
Hussam Sulaiman
Cooper Lindberg

We will be taking a simple fan motor apart and incorporating a programmable arduino to make it do different functions.

Tractor Engine Deconstruction Project

Clay Riley

The goal of this project is for a student to disassemble a mechanical device and document how the part was put back together. The process should be documented so that the item can be put back together again. Some part of the device will be destroyed in the process.

Xbox 360 Deconstruction

Ezra J. Florence, Murray State University

We will be deconstructing an older model xbox 360 gaming console. This deconstruction will allow you to see the inner workings of gaming consoles. As well as detailed instructions on how to put the console back together.