Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: How Soon is Too Soon?

How Soon is Too Soon?

Presenter Information

Hannah YancyFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Despite the recent increase in discussion and research over the benefits of delaying a newborn’s first bath after delivery, many hospitals still lack a set policy related to this matter. The aim of this project was to critically analyze and merge findings from previous research studies using databases such as CINAHL, Google Scholar, and MedScape. Results from these studies determined that the benefits of delaying a newborn’s bath by 24-48 hours could greatly improve the adaptation process after the infant is transferred from the womb to the extrauterine environment. The beneficial elements of vernix caseosa, amniotic fluids, and maternal antibodies, as well as the immediate and extended practice of kangaroo care.

Fall Scholars Week 2018 Event

Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare

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How Soon is Too Soon?

Despite the recent increase in discussion and research over the benefits of delaying a newborn’s first bath after delivery, many hospitals still lack a set policy related to this matter. The aim of this project was to critically analyze and merge findings from previous research studies using databases such as CINAHL, Google Scholar, and MedScape. Results from these studies determined that the benefits of delaying a newborn’s bath by 24-48 hours could greatly improve the adaptation process after the infant is transferred from the womb to the extrauterine environment. The beneficial elements of vernix caseosa, amniotic fluids, and maternal antibodies, as well as the immediate and extended practice of kangaroo care.