Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: I Just Want to Show Other Patients That Anything Is Possible

I Just Want to Show Other Patients That Anything Is Possible

Presenter Information

Hope Hansen

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


The title of this article is “I Just Want to Show Other Patients That Anything Is Possible” it was written by Jake Marrazzo on September 7th, 2018. Jake writes about his own life experiences in hopes to share his knowledge with others. Jake is a young boy, age 15, who suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy. In this article, he discusses his diagnosis and his story. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or DMD, is a genetic disease that disables the body from making a protein called dystrophin, this muscle is designed to keep the muscles moving. After Jake describes his story he continues to express his desire to make an impact on others through his diagnosis. Jake states, “I’ve learned the value of living life to its fullest in the time that we have,” (Marrazzo, 2018). He makes statements like this several times throughout the article as he is expressing he wants to help other patients with DMD. Jake wants other patients to overcome their limitations as he did. His goal is to be an example to all patients who are going through this hard time, Jake discusses how he learned to love theatre again. He overcame his fears of not being able to do what he loves again because of his limitations. “Your journey is going to be hard, but there’s no reason to let it stop you. You’ll learn to roll with the punches. You’ll learn a lot about yourself. And you’ll learn how to live every day to the fullest,” this is how Jake ends his article, it further solidifies his character and overall purpose of the article (Marrazzo, 2018). Jake wrote this article with the intent to reflect upon his journey and also impact other patients. Readers could view this article as inspirational and motivational, whether they are DMD patients are not. The tone of this article is uplifting, Jake establishes this tone through his words of inspiration. He creates this tone when he says, “I WILL do this,” (Marrazzo, 2018).

Fall Scholars Week 2018 Event

HEA 260: Medical Ethics in the Media

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I Just Want to Show Other Patients That Anything Is Possible

The title of this article is “I Just Want to Show Other Patients That Anything Is Possible” it was written by Jake Marrazzo on September 7th, 2018. Jake writes about his own life experiences in hopes to share his knowledge with others. Jake is a young boy, age 15, who suffers from Duchenne muscular dystrophy. In this article, he discusses his diagnosis and his story. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or DMD, is a genetic disease that disables the body from making a protein called dystrophin, this muscle is designed to keep the muscles moving. After Jake describes his story he continues to express his desire to make an impact on others through his diagnosis. Jake states, “I’ve learned the value of living life to its fullest in the time that we have,” (Marrazzo, 2018). He makes statements like this several times throughout the article as he is expressing he wants to help other patients with DMD. Jake wants other patients to overcome their limitations as he did. His goal is to be an example to all patients who are going through this hard time, Jake discusses how he learned to love theatre again. He overcame his fears of not being able to do what he loves again because of his limitations. “Your journey is going to be hard, but there’s no reason to let it stop you. You’ll learn to roll with the punches. You’ll learn a lot about yourself. And you’ll learn how to live every day to the fullest,” this is how Jake ends his article, it further solidifies his character and overall purpose of the article (Marrazzo, 2018). Jake wrote this article with the intent to reflect upon his journey and also impact other patients. Readers could view this article as inspirational and motivational, whether they are DMD patients are not. The tone of this article is uplifting, Jake establishes this tone through his words of inspiration. He creates this tone when he says, “I WILL do this,” (Marrazzo, 2018).