Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: HEA 260 Medical Ethics

HEA 260 Medical Ethics

Presenter Information

Hanna Irvin

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


“The introduction to medical ethics course at Murray State University discussed ethical issues in our healthcare system, clinical practice, and research providing insight on issues of practical and philosophical importance for all members of our society” (Terry, 2018). Media channels are heavily used to communicate with the general public. Students were assigned a project to research medical ethics cases within the past six months and apply the course material to the media source they chose. They used newspaper analysis methodology when analyzing the media source. The media source chosen is summarized as follows:

It was recommended that the American Medical Association maintain its opposition to medically assisted suicide, however delegates at the AMA’s annual meeting in Chicago had voted to review the guidance on the issue of physician assisted suicide. The House of Delegates voted to have the AMA’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs review the Code of Medical Ethics on physician assisted suicide, however they thought of it as being “fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer.” The council spent a couple years reviewing this issue trying to find a solution. They came up with a common ground resolution where they described physician assisted suicide as being good and bad. It can be good in which it shows a physician caring and respecting the decision of the patient, and it can be bad because it doesn’t portray physicians as being healers. In the end, it was voted that the Code of Medical Ethics remain unchanged (opposed to assisted death). The Patients’ Rights Action Fund gave a harsh reaction agreeing that “assisted suicide is not medical care.”

Ethical theories, principals, and concepts are heavily discussed in this course. Using this course material, it can be analyzed what theories, principals, and concepts are used in this article. One Ethical Theory that applies is Kantian Ethics because the council acted in such a way that their actions would become the universal standard. They wanted to stay opposed to assisted suicide because that’s what they wanted others to think. If they opposed assisted suicide, then it would lead to others opposing too. One Ethical Principle that applies is beneficence because the council voted to leave the code unchanged to benefit others. They believe that it benefits others because it keeps most states from allowing assisted suicide. One Ethical Concept that applies is consequentialism. When the council made the decision of not amending the code, they were looking at the benefits and risks of an action. If they changed the code to where they supported assisted suicide, then there would be a lot of debate in America. Keeping it unchanged limits this debate.

This ethical story helps someone’s understanding of medical ethics because it shows how these cases are dealt with and how decisions are made using medical ethics. It further clarifies the importance of using medical ethics to solve debates especially medical ones.

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HEA 260 Medical Ethics

“The introduction to medical ethics course at Murray State University discussed ethical issues in our healthcare system, clinical practice, and research providing insight on issues of practical and philosophical importance for all members of our society” (Terry, 2018). Media channels are heavily used to communicate with the general public. Students were assigned a project to research medical ethics cases within the past six months and apply the course material to the media source they chose. They used newspaper analysis methodology when analyzing the media source. The media source chosen is summarized as follows:

It was recommended that the American Medical Association maintain its opposition to medically assisted suicide, however delegates at the AMA’s annual meeting in Chicago had voted to review the guidance on the issue of physician assisted suicide. The House of Delegates voted to have the AMA’s Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs review the Code of Medical Ethics on physician assisted suicide, however they thought of it as being “fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer.” The council spent a couple years reviewing this issue trying to find a solution. They came up with a common ground resolution where they described physician assisted suicide as being good and bad. It can be good in which it shows a physician caring and respecting the decision of the patient, and it can be bad because it doesn’t portray physicians as being healers. In the end, it was voted that the Code of Medical Ethics remain unchanged (opposed to assisted death). The Patients’ Rights Action Fund gave a harsh reaction agreeing that “assisted suicide is not medical care.”

Ethical theories, principals, and concepts are heavily discussed in this course. Using this course material, it can be analyzed what theories, principals, and concepts are used in this article. One Ethical Theory that applies is Kantian Ethics because the council acted in such a way that their actions would become the universal standard. They wanted to stay opposed to assisted suicide because that’s what they wanted others to think. If they opposed assisted suicide, then it would lead to others opposing too. One Ethical Principle that applies is beneficence because the council voted to leave the code unchanged to benefit others. They believe that it benefits others because it keeps most states from allowing assisted suicide. One Ethical Concept that applies is consequentialism. When the council made the decision of not amending the code, they were looking at the benefits and risks of an action. If they changed the code to where they supported assisted suicide, then there would be a lot of debate in America. Keeping it unchanged limits this debate.

This ethical story helps someone’s understanding of medical ethics because it shows how these cases are dealt with and how decisions are made using medical ethics. It further clarifies the importance of using medical ethics to solve debates especially medical ones.