Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Opinions and Perceptions of the New Kentucky Shared Parenting Statute

Opinions and Perceptions of the New Kentucky Shared Parenting Statute

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Karson JohnsonFollow

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Dr. Jana Hackathorn

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


In Kentucky’s 2018 legislative session, House Bill 528 was passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives. HB 528 proceeded to Governor Bevin, was signed into law, and amended several KRS statutes. KRS 403.280 now reads, in custody cases of minors, “… joint custody and equal shared parenting is in the best interest of the child ("18RS - Legislative Record Online", 2018).” Kentucky is the first state in the United Stated of America to make this wording law. In my research, I will be studying the perceived attitudes, perceived effects, and the real-life changes this is causing parents, children, attorneys, and judges that are directly involved with this law and family court in Kentucky. I will distribute an online survey to local civil and family court attorneys. I will request they forward it on to their clients that have been directly affected or will be in the coming months. Data collection is still in process.

Start Date

16-11-2018 8:30 AM

Fall Scholars Week 2018 Event

Honors College Senior Theses

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Nov 16th, 8:30 AM

Opinions and Perceptions of the New Kentucky Shared Parenting Statute

In Kentucky’s 2018 legislative session, House Bill 528 was passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives. HB 528 proceeded to Governor Bevin, was signed into law, and amended several KRS statutes. KRS 403.280 now reads, in custody cases of minors, “… joint custody and equal shared parenting is in the best interest of the child ("18RS - Legislative Record Online", 2018).” Kentucky is the first state in the United Stated of America to make this wording law. In my research, I will be studying the perceived attitudes, perceived effects, and the real-life changes this is causing parents, children, attorneys, and judges that are directly involved with this law and family court in Kentucky. I will distribute an online survey to local civil and family court attorneys. I will request they forward it on to their clients that have been directly affected or will be in the coming months. Data collection is still in process.