Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Upton Sinclair: Upstart of Critical Journalism in 20th Century

Upton Sinclair: Upstart of Critical Journalism in 20th Century

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Dr. Melony Shemberger

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Among the many critical journalists of the early 20th century was a prominent Upton Sinclair. Critical views on capitalism and its effects on society have long been a point of contention. In fact, this contention has boiled over to the new century in many ways. But, to the extent of which Sinclair influenced this “movement” has not been investigated before. Through objective investigation into two of Sinclair’s notable works and their effects on criticism of journalism regarding capitalism: The Jungle, and The Brass Check. Expanding on this critical view of capitalism by journalists may uncover the underpinned beginning of the friction between capitalism in the USA and journalism a historical timeline in literature form.

Fall Scholars Week 2018 Event

Journalism & Media History Symposium

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Upton Sinclair: Upstart of Critical Journalism in 20th Century

Among the many critical journalists of the early 20th century was a prominent Upton Sinclair. Critical views on capitalism and its effects on society have long been a point of contention. In fact, this contention has boiled over to the new century in many ways. But, to the extent of which Sinclair influenced this “movement” has not been investigated before. Through objective investigation into two of Sinclair’s notable works and their effects on criticism of journalism regarding capitalism: The Jungle, and The Brass Check. Expanding on this critical view of capitalism by journalists may uncover the underpinned beginning of the friction between capitalism in the USA and journalism a historical timeline in literature form.