Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Teacher Wellness (Research Project & Showcase Presentation)

Teacher Wellness (Research Project & Showcase Presentation)

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Secondary Teacher Leader

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Presentation Summary: I have heard teachers express their frustrations of being unbalanced with their overall wellness and quality of life during the school year. Though this isn’t the case with all teachers, it is a recurring issue that leads to lower teaching performance levels. My research topic is to find out what is currently in place at schools promoting individual health and wellness for teachers, and to discover the current and desired states of teachers in the following wellness components: fitness, nutrition, and stress support/management. Survey results for teacher wellness were shared with a school administrator, and resources and information for teachers were gathered to improve their overall health and wellness, life balance, and motivation throughout the school year. When teachers have better wellness and greater motivation, it leads to higher teacher performance levels. Better teachers lead to better students!

Fall Scholars Week 2018 Event

Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Panel

This document is currently not available here.



Teacher Wellness (Research Project & Showcase Presentation)

Presentation Summary: I have heard teachers express their frustrations of being unbalanced with their overall wellness and quality of life during the school year. Though this isn’t the case with all teachers, it is a recurring issue that leads to lower teaching performance levels. My research topic is to find out what is currently in place at schools promoting individual health and wellness for teachers, and to discover the current and desired states of teachers in the following wellness components: fitness, nutrition, and stress support/management. Survey results for teacher wellness were shared with a school administrator, and resources and information for teachers were gathered to improve their overall health and wellness, life balance, and motivation throughout the school year. When teachers have better wellness and greater motivation, it leads to higher teacher performance levels. Better teachers lead to better students!