Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: The storytelling project

The storytelling project

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


2nd Student Major


3rd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


3rd Student Major


4th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


4th Student Major


5th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


5th Student Major


6th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


6th Student Major


7th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


7th Student Major


List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Miranda Wilson

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Feeling lonely and being isolated is a big deal in the senior community. Most feel forgotten so coming to the senior citizen home can fill the void of loneliness that they suffer. Being at the Center provides them a time to be around people that they can talk to, listen to and enjoy. Most talk about how they enjoy us and look forward to us coming back each time, so we came up with The Storytelling Project. This project was designed to tell the stories of the Senior’s that we’ve talked to. The first day of service at the Murray-Calloway Senior Citizens Center we all spoke to different people, hearing different stories. We created a mini project that asked them questions about life when they were younger, following that we actually want to tell their stories. This project shows the generational gap between the senior citizens and our younger generation. We want to create stories and design different flyers to give to the senior’s families as well as sharing our stories within the service-learning community on campus so that they see and hear from the seniors in our community. This project is in effect in order to show seniors that they are not alone, and we haven’t forgotten about them and that we care.

Fall Scholars Week 2019 Event


Other Scholars Week Event

ORCA | General Poster Session

This document is currently not available here.



The storytelling project

Feeling lonely and being isolated is a big deal in the senior community. Most feel forgotten so coming to the senior citizen home can fill the void of loneliness that they suffer. Being at the Center provides them a time to be around people that they can talk to, listen to and enjoy. Most talk about how they enjoy us and look forward to us coming back each time, so we came up with The Storytelling Project. This project was designed to tell the stories of the Senior’s that we’ve talked to. The first day of service at the Murray-Calloway Senior Citizens Center we all spoke to different people, hearing different stories. We created a mini project that asked them questions about life when they were younger, following that we actually want to tell their stories. This project shows the generational gap between the senior citizens and our younger generation. We want to create stories and design different flyers to give to the senior’s families as well as sharing our stories within the service-learning community on campus so that they see and hear from the seniors in our community. This project is in effect in order to show seniors that they are not alone, and we haven’t forgotten about them and that we care.