Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: No Need To Go To A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Internship Opportunities in Murray, KY

No Need To Go To A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Internship Opportunities in Murray, KY

Academic Level at Time of Presentation






2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


2nd Student Major

Public Relations

2nd Student Minor


List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Dr. Stefan Linnhoff, PhD.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


It is a truism that internships provide students with invaluable insights for their professional career pursuits. However, some students hesitate to do an internship because allegedly "there is nothing interesting" to be found in the immediate geographic area. Two students will prove the opposite: They will present on their internship experiences in Murray, KY - on and off-campus.

Fall Scholars Week 2019 Event

Opportunity is knocking (MKT369-01)

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No Need To Go To A Galaxy Far, Far Away: Internship Opportunities in Murray, KY

It is a truism that internships provide students with invaluable insights for their professional career pursuits. However, some students hesitate to do an internship because allegedly "there is nothing interesting" to be found in the immediate geographic area. Two students will prove the opposite: They will present on their internship experiences in Murray, KY - on and off-campus.