Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Fast-Tracking to a Better E.R.

Fast-Tracking to a Better E.R.

Presenter Information

Allison WeedonFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




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Dr. Jessica Naber, PhD, RN

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


While much research still needs to be completed regarding the fast-track system in the Emergency Department, it has shown to be extremely beneficial to the hospital and the patients who utilize it. For Murray-Calloway County Hospital, this policy could be particularly helpful given the small community it serves and the relatively large number of patients it sees for nonemergent situations. Considering the decreased adverse events such as medication errors, long length of stays, and readmission, and the benefits such as significantly higher patient satisfaction, hospitals should consider implementing this policy in their facility for a better overall Emergency Room experience for staff and patients alike.

Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event

Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare (Posters)



Fast-Tracking to a Better E.R.

While much research still needs to be completed regarding the fast-track system in the Emergency Department, it has shown to be extremely beneficial to the hospital and the patients who utilize it. For Murray-Calloway County Hospital, this policy could be particularly helpful given the small community it serves and the relatively large number of patients it sees for nonemergent situations. Considering the decreased adverse events such as medication errors, long length of stays, and readmission, and the benefits such as significantly higher patient satisfaction, hospitals should consider implementing this policy in their facility for a better overall Emergency Room experience for staff and patients alike.