Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping

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Dr. Jessica Naber

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


The purpose of this project was to provide an evidence-based policy regarding delayed umbilical cord clamping. The definition of delayed cord clamping (DCC) is described as “clamping of the umbilical cord once cord pulsation has ceased or at least beyond the first minute or so following the birth of the baby.” This is beneficial for the baby for many reasons such as an increase in iron storage reducing the risk of anemia until up to one year old. Along with, a slight increase in neurodevelopment at four years of age regarding personal-social and fine-motor development. Lastly, DCC can increase the blood flow to the infant by 30-40%. While many physicians and midwifes will perform DCC on pre-term neonates, it is not commonly performed for those full-term infants. My new policy will lay out the benefits and minimal risks of DCC, giving mothers the option to keep their newborn attached for an extra three minutes after birth.

Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event

Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare (Posters)



Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping

The purpose of this project was to provide an evidence-based policy regarding delayed umbilical cord clamping. The definition of delayed cord clamping (DCC) is described as “clamping of the umbilical cord once cord pulsation has ceased or at least beyond the first minute or so following the birth of the baby.” This is beneficial for the baby for many reasons such as an increase in iron storage reducing the risk of anemia until up to one year old. Along with, a slight increase in neurodevelopment at four years of age regarding personal-social and fine-motor development. Lastly, DCC can increase the blood flow to the infant by 30-40%. While many physicians and midwifes will perform DCC on pre-term neonates, it is not commonly performed for those full-term infants. My new policy will lay out the benefits and minimal risks of DCC, giving mothers the option to keep their newborn attached for an extra three minutes after birth.