Social Media: The Modern Dilemma

Elana Woosley


Social Media Platforms have soared in popularity since the turn of the century. Now, it is practically a staple for the average American lifestyle. However, political, legal, and ethical challenges have arisen with the rapid growth of the social media industry. Because of this rapid growth and its presenting challenges, social media platforms are in a gray area regarding if and how they should or should not be regulated. Is the regulation of such a rapidly growing industry even feasible, or are there simply too many obstacles? What should be done ideally, and what can be done realistically?


Social Media: The Modern Dilemma

Social Media Platforms have soared in popularity since the turn of the century. Now, it is practically a staple for the average American lifestyle. However, political, legal, and ethical challenges have arisen with the rapid growth of the social media industry. Because of this rapid growth and its presenting challenges, social media platforms are in a gray area regarding if and how they should or should not be regulated. Is the regulation of such a rapidly growing industry even feasible, or are there simply too many obstacles? What should be done ideally, and what can be done realistically?