Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Association Between Impulsivity and Positive Expectations of Marijuana

CHFA | Psychology Department Showcase: Projects In-Progress

Association Between Impulsivity and Positive Expectations of Marijuana

Presenter Information

Clare UhlikFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Psychology and Criminal Justice

List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Dr. Megan St. Peters

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


There has been extensive research into cannabis use and misuse. With legalization and popularity continuing to increase for both medicinal and recreational use, a concern about substance abuse is far from over. The current study examines whether positive expectations (opinions, assumptions, and attitudes) toward marijuana use are associated with the personality trait of impulsivity. An online survey using the SONA research system consists of the Marijuana Effect Expectancies Questionnaire- Brief, the I7 Impulsivity Questionnaire, and demographic questions. The study is currently in progress, but preliminary data indicates that impulsivity significantly predicts marijuana effect expectancies. Knowing that a particular personality trait predicts attitudes towards marijuana can be used for marketing purposes, possibly help identify a predisposition towards marijuana use, and help mental healthcare providers in their treatment of people with the disorder. Future studies can examine whether this relationship is related to substance use disorder, potentially alleviating the drug abuse crisis.

Fall Scholars Week 2023 Event

Psychology: Projects In-Progress

Scholars Week Submission 2023.docx (13 kB)
Title, Abstract, Keywords

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Association Between Impulsivity and Positive Expectations of Marijuana

There has been extensive research into cannabis use and misuse. With legalization and popularity continuing to increase for both medicinal and recreational use, a concern about substance abuse is far from over. The current study examines whether positive expectations (opinions, assumptions, and attitudes) toward marijuana use are associated with the personality trait of impulsivity. An online survey using the SONA research system consists of the Marijuana Effect Expectancies Questionnaire- Brief, the I7 Impulsivity Questionnaire, and demographic questions. The study is currently in progress, but preliminary data indicates that impulsivity significantly predicts marijuana effect expectancies. Knowing that a particular personality trait predicts attitudes towards marijuana can be used for marketing purposes, possibly help identify a predisposition towards marijuana use, and help mental healthcare providers in their treatment of people with the disorder. Future studies can examine whether this relationship is related to substance use disorder, potentially alleviating the drug abuse crisis.