JDJCSET | Watershed Studies Institute Research Symposium
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Macy Kailing, Murray State University |
Climate and Human Controls on Flooding in the Middle Tennessee River Valley Christopher Stewart |
Determining Optimal Boat Electrofishing Settings for Fish Community Sampling Bradley Hartman, Murray State University |
Tyler M. Hoard, Murray State University |
Effects of Density and Size Structure on Omnivorous Trophic Cascades Donald J. Benkendorf |
Robin Baker, Murray State University |
Benedict W. Ferguson, Geosciences |
Important Factors Affecting Larval Fish Phenology in Kentucky Lake Nathan A. Tillotson, Murray State University |
Patrick Vrablik |
Phenotypic Expression Caused by glis3 Knockout in Zebrafish, Danio rerio Dylan Hammrich |
Using Presence-Only Absence to Determine the Distribution of an Amphibian-killing Fungus Melanie Torres, Murray State University |
Vegetation Mapping of Mammoth Cave National Park Using Multispectral Imagery Hongli Yang |