JDJCSET | Watershed Studies Institute Research Symposium | 2017 - Spring Scholars Week

JDJCSET | Watershed Studies Institute Research Symposium

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Bat Community Structure in Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area Following White-nose Occurrence

Macy Kailing, Murray State University

Climate and Human Controls on Flooding in the Middle Tennessee River Valley

Christopher Stewart

Determining Optimal Boat Electrofishing Settings for Fish Community Sampling

Bradley Hartman, Murray State University

Determining the spatial and temporal expression of transcription factor glis3 during pancreatic development

Tyler M. Hoard, Murray State University

Effects of Density and Size Structure on Omnivorous Trophic Cascades

Donald J. Benkendorf

Holy Moley! Using mole salamanders (Ambystoma talpoideum) to understand the impacts of body size variation of top predators on trophic cascades

Robin Baker, Murray State University
Cy Mott Ph.D., Eastern Kentucky University
Coty Fields, Murray State University
Katelyn May, Murray State University
Howard Whiteman Ph.D., Murray State University

How do alluvial landforms affect the storage of soil organic carbon? A case study from humid-temperate western Kentucky

Benedict W. Ferguson, Geosciences

Important Factors Affecting Larval Fish Phenology in Kentucky Lake

Nathan A. Tillotson, Murray State University
Ben B. Tumolo, Montana State University-Bozeman
Spencer Phillips, Murray State University
Michael B. Flinn, Murray State University

Investigating the effects of stream restoration on fish and macroinvertebrate community dynamics and stream-wetland interactions

Patrick Vrablik
Michael B. Flinn, Murray State University

Phenotypic Expression Caused by glis3 Knockout in Zebrafish, Danio rerio

Dylan Hammrich

Using Presence-Only Absence to Determine the Distribution of an Amphibian-killing Fungus

Melanie Torres, Murray State University

Vegetation Mapping of Mammoth Cave National Park Using Multispectral Imagery

Hongli Yang