ORCA General Poster Session
Omnicom Group - A Unique Career Chance for MSU Students and Alumni
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Major
3rd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
3rd Student Major
Associate Professor of Marketing
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
Stefan Linnhoff, PhD.
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Omnicom Group, Inc. is a network of companies serving clients in the area of integrated marketing communications throughout the world. This group truly deserves the label "behemoth" considering it is composed of five major divisions that themselves represent conglomerates spanning a total of more than 1500 advertising agencies. Murray State University is in the most privileged position to have a long-standing, close relationship with Omnicom Group embodied not only by occasional visits of Omnicom top-executives coming to Murray but also by an annual, highly prestigious internship program as well as a sizable number of MSU alumni working for them. This research seeks to offer a selective overview over the structure of Omnicom Group as well as some information on the internship hoping to inspire students and recent alumni to consider a career with this global player in advertising.
Spring Scholars Week 2018 Event
General Poster Session
Omnicom Group - A Unique Career Chance for MSU Students and Alumni
Omnicom Group, Inc. is a network of companies serving clients in the area of integrated marketing communications throughout the world. This group truly deserves the label "behemoth" considering it is composed of five major divisions that themselves represent conglomerates spanning a total of more than 1500 advertising agencies. Murray State University is in the most privileged position to have a long-standing, close relationship with Omnicom Group embodied not only by occasional visits of Omnicom top-executives coming to Murray but also by an annual, highly prestigious internship program as well as a sizable number of MSU alumni working for them. This research seeks to offer a selective overview over the structure of Omnicom Group as well as some information on the internship hoping to inspire students and recent alumni to consider a career with this global player in advertising.