AJBCOB | In-Depth Reporting Panel (JMC 397)
In-Depth Reporting Panel (JMC 397)
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Major
3rd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
3rd Student Major
4th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
4th Student Major
Junior / Television Production
5th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
5th Student Major
Public Relations
6th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
6th Student Major
Television Production
7th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
7th Student Major
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
Dr. Melony Shemberger
Presentation Format
Oral Presentation
What was public education like before the stronghold of standardized testing surfaced? After conducting research in the archives at Pogue Library, Murray State University journalism students conducted oral history interviews as part of an intensive focus on public education news reporting. The individuals who were interviewed shared their memories and stories of being a student, parent or teacher. This long-term project enabled students to receive experience in oral history as a news-gathering technique. Oral histories, news stories and photographs are stored online at kyeducationstories.omeka.net as exhibit items.
Spring Scholars Week 2018 Event
In-Depth Reporting Panel (JMC 397)
In-Depth Reporting Panel (JMC 397)
What was public education like before the stronghold of standardized testing surfaced? After conducting research in the archives at Pogue Library, Murray State University journalism students conducted oral history interviews as part of an intensive focus on public education news reporting. The individuals who were interviewed shared their memories and stories of being a student, parent or teacher. This long-term project enabled students to receive experience in oral history as a news-gathering technique. Oral histories, news stories and photographs are stored online at kyeducationstories.omeka.net as exhibit items.