Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Migration in the 20th Century with Emphasis on Spain

COHFA | Migration in the 20th Century

Presenter Information

Jonathan HowardFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation





Political Science

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Dr. Eleanor Rivera

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


This research reflects the most important aspects of migration as it pertains to Spain. This includes migration to the country, from the country, and within the country. Historical analysis previous to the 20th century is included as well as analysis of more contemporary migration. At the end there is an interview comparison with a modern immigrant that lives in the United States, which allows for a comparison of a "normal" migrant story with a real life example.

Spring Scholars Week 2018 Event

Migration in the 20th Century



Migration in the 20th Century with Emphasis on Spain

This research reflects the most important aspects of migration as it pertains to Spain. This includes migration to the country, from the country, and within the country. Historical analysis previous to the 20th century is included as well as analysis of more contemporary migration. At the end there is an interview comparison with a modern immigrant that lives in the United States, which allows for a comparison of a "normal" migrant story with a real life example.