SNHP | Senior Nursing Poster Session
Distraction Used as a Pain Control Method for Pediatrics
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
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Dr. Marcia Hobbs
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Throughout my research, I wanted to discover the benefits and effectiveness of distractive pain control methods for pediatric clients who undergo painful procedures, from needle-sticks to surgery. The study provides an analysis of findings from various scholarly research studies that examined the topic distractive methods of pain control from pediatric clients in the hospital-setting. This study will provide proposed implementations and evidence, to increase the knowledge on distractive techniques used as a pain control method for pediatric clients.
Spring Scholars Week 2018 Event
Senior Nursing Poster Session
Distraction Used as a Pain Control Method for Pediatrics
Throughout my research, I wanted to discover the benefits and effectiveness of distractive pain control methods for pediatric clients who undergo painful procedures, from needle-sticks to surgery. The study provides an analysis of findings from various scholarly research studies that examined the topic distractive methods of pain control from pediatric clients in the hospital-setting. This study will provide proposed implementations and evidence, to increase the knowledge on distractive techniques used as a pain control method for pediatric clients.