SNHP | Senior Nursing Poster Session
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
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Marcia Hobbs, DSN, RN; Jennifer Coleman, MSN, RN, FNP-C
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
The prevalence of morbidly obese patient within the United States is on a rapid incline. Evidence correlates an increase in patient falls, comorbidities, and hospital admission among this specific patient group. As a result, there is an increase in workload and injuries to staff as they tend to these patients. Healthcare facilities need to continuously update current patient handling programs and create specific policies for safely handling obese patients. Research suggests that Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Programs, as well as the Banner Mobility Assessment Tool (BMAT), have substantially decreased nurse injuries through a wide range of nursing specialties. Creating a systematic charting equation for BMAT would automatically calculate to mobility level of patients and correlate to the appropriate equipment necessary for transferring that patient. In conjunction with Bariatric algorithms, nurses are better able to determine mobility and cooperation of obese patients. The simplicity of the two SPHM assessments can easily be applied to every patient admission while taking the uncertainty out of how to transfer individual patients. Implementing policies such as these can be of great benefit but there is a need for continuous revisions and input from nursing staff to ensure accuracy, accountability, and feasibility. In order to do so, continuous education and culture of safety must be encouraged so that current equipment is utilized and staff adheres to the new policy.
Keywords: Banner Mobility Assessment Tool, morbidly obese, Safe Patient Handling and Mobility, nurse injuries, computerized charting.
Spring Scholars Week 2018 Event
Senior Nursing Poster Session
Included in
Geriatric Nursing Commons, Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing Commons, Other Nursing Commons, Perioperative, Operating Room and Surgical Nursing Commons
Implementation of the Banner Mobility Assessment Tool for Bariatric Patients
The prevalence of morbidly obese patient within the United States is on a rapid incline. Evidence correlates an increase in patient falls, comorbidities, and hospital admission among this specific patient group. As a result, there is an increase in workload and injuries to staff as they tend to these patients. Healthcare facilities need to continuously update current patient handling programs and create specific policies for safely handling obese patients. Research suggests that Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Programs, as well as the Banner Mobility Assessment Tool (BMAT), have substantially decreased nurse injuries through a wide range of nursing specialties. Creating a systematic charting equation for BMAT would automatically calculate to mobility level of patients and correlate to the appropriate equipment necessary for transferring that patient. In conjunction with Bariatric algorithms, nurses are better able to determine mobility and cooperation of obese patients. The simplicity of the two SPHM assessments can easily be applied to every patient admission while taking the uncertainty out of how to transfer individual patients. Implementing policies such as these can be of great benefit but there is a need for continuous revisions and input from nursing staff to ensure accuracy, accountability, and feasibility. In order to do so, continuous education and culture of safety must be encouraged so that current equipment is utilized and staff adheres to the new policy.
Keywords: Banner Mobility Assessment Tool, morbidly obese, Safe Patient Handling and Mobility, nurse injuries, computerized charting.