Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections

SNHP | Senior Nursing Poster Session

Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections

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Marcia Hobbs

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Poster Presentation


Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection

Lyndsey Choate

Murray State University

NUR 412

Spring 2018

The purpose of this evidence based project is to look at the leading causes of catheter associated urinary tract infections, and to find new ways to improve the care being given to those patients. After looking at current protocols, research was conducted in order to find ways to improve care to patients with indwelling urinary catheters. There were a few flaws that were found in the protocol that may lead to a gap in care and CAUTI prevention. An improvement that stood out was the need for attention to each patient from multiple sources. Everyone thinks differently, therefore, if multiple people are looking at a problem a solution is more likely to be found.From the research, I discovered a few different ways to make improvements. Increasing the amount of times a day that the perineal site should be cleaned will lower the risk for infection. Implementing a protocol to require a physician’s order to leave a catheter in longer than 48 hours will direct special attention to that patient, as well as require the physician to determine if the catheter is still medically necessary. Implementing a safety team of nurse managers who make rounds daily to determine medical necessity and a plan of care for a patient with a catheter will also direct attention to each individual patient, as well as lower the risk for infection.

Spring Scholars Week 2018 Event

Senior Nursing Poster Session

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Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections

Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection

Lyndsey Choate

Murray State University

NUR 412

Spring 2018

The purpose of this evidence based project is to look at the leading causes of catheter associated urinary tract infections, and to find new ways to improve the care being given to those patients. After looking at current protocols, research was conducted in order to find ways to improve care to patients with indwelling urinary catheters. There were a few flaws that were found in the protocol that may lead to a gap in care and CAUTI prevention. An improvement that stood out was the need for attention to each patient from multiple sources. Everyone thinks differently, therefore, if multiple people are looking at a problem a solution is more likely to be found.From the research, I discovered a few different ways to make improvements. Increasing the amount of times a day that the perineal site should be cleaned will lower the risk for infection. Implementing a protocol to require a physician’s order to leave a catheter in longer than 48 hours will direct special attention to that patient, as well as require the physician to determine if the catheter is still medically necessary. Implementing a safety team of nurse managers who make rounds daily to determine medical necessity and a plan of care for a patient with a catheter will also direct attention to each individual patient, as well as lower the risk for infection.