Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Alternative Preoperative Pediatric Education Methods

SNHP | Senior Nursing Poster Session

Alternative Preoperative Pediatric Education Methods

Presenter Information

Kaitlin NagelFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




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Marcia Hobbs, DSN, RN; Jennifer Coleman, MSN, RN, FNP-C

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Having surgery is a significant stressor that many children experience. The anxiety that these pediatric patients experience before surgery is correlated with increased pain, analgesic consumption, sleeping problems, feeding difficulties, apathy, and withdrawal during the postoperative period (Copanitsanou & Vakleapää, 2014). Currently, the most common anxiety-reduction method is sedation. Four articles investigate alternative methods such as a preoperative tour of the operating room (OR), role-play, and preview and play with hospital equipment.

Spring Scholars Week 2018 Event

Senior Nursing Poster Session

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Alternative Preoperative Pediatric Education Methods

Having surgery is a significant stressor that many children experience. The anxiety that these pediatric patients experience before surgery is correlated with increased pain, analgesic consumption, sleeping problems, feeding difficulties, apathy, and withdrawal during the postoperative period (Copanitsanou & Vakleapää, 2014). Currently, the most common anxiety-reduction method is sedation. Four articles investigate alternative methods such as a preoperative tour of the operating room (OR), role-play, and preview and play with hospital equipment.