Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Arduino Digital Synthesizer

Arduino Digital Synthesizer

Presenter Information

James PaschallFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Computer Science

List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Matthew Tennyson

Presentation Format

Performance or Production


A digital synthesizer is a musical instrument that manipulates sound waves to create new and unique sounds. This process is called digital synthesis. For this project, we are creating a digital synthesizer. This synthesizer will have both physical and digital components. The physical components are the electronics that take input signals from a user, process the signals, and produce sound as output. The digital components consist of software, which is written in the C programming language.

The main physical components consist of an Arduino processor, 10 rotary knobs, 100 push buttons, and speakers. The knobs and push buttons allow the user to provide inputs to the synthesizer. The knobs are used for changing values for the levels, filters, and tone of the sound of the synthesizer. The buttons determine the frequency of the sound produced by the synthesizer. The Arduino then processes those inputs to create signals, which are then output to the speakers to generate sound.

The software is organized into a few different categories. The first is the oscillators. The oscillators are what make the different wave types. The next is the filter. There is one filter and it affects the tone of the synthesizer. The next is the keyboard. It allows for the changing of the note being played.

Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event

ORCA General Poster Session (Non-juried)

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Arduino Digital Synthesizer

A digital synthesizer is a musical instrument that manipulates sound waves to create new and unique sounds. This process is called digital synthesis. For this project, we are creating a digital synthesizer. This synthesizer will have both physical and digital components. The physical components are the electronics that take input signals from a user, process the signals, and produce sound as output. The digital components consist of software, which is written in the C programming language.

The main physical components consist of an Arduino processor, 10 rotary knobs, 100 push buttons, and speakers. The knobs and push buttons allow the user to provide inputs to the synthesizer. The knobs are used for changing values for the levels, filters, and tone of the sound of the synthesizer. The buttons determine the frequency of the sound produced by the synthesizer. The Arduino then processes those inputs to create signals, which are then output to the speakers to generate sound.

The software is organized into a few different categories. The first is the oscillators. The oscillators are what make the different wave types. The next is the filter. There is one filter and it affects the tone of the synthesizer. The next is the keyboard. It allows for the changing of the note being played.