Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: JMC 305 News Editing: Ryan Celsius

JMC 305 News Editing: Ryan Celsius

Presenter Information

Reed DavisFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



English Creative Writing


Technical Writing

Presentation Format



My submission will cover my work on a Wikipedia article covering the YouTube music content creator "Ryan Celsius". In addition to learning how to format an edit a Wikipedia article from on-site experience, I analyzed my language within the piece to fit with Wikipedia's objective content approach. Celsius is a content creator and 'content organizer' that produces multimedia content for tens of thousands of viewers every week. The individual behind the username has also put out a fair amount of interviews to draw accurate content from. Ryan Celsius represents a growing musical sub-genre which has mirrored the growth of online music streaming and sharing. The individual represents a larger growth of small content creators around the world and would make a valuable Wikipedia article for those looking to research the "Lo-Fi" music phenomena

Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event

JMC 305 News Editing

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JMC 305 News Editing: Ryan Celsius

My submission will cover my work on a Wikipedia article covering the YouTube music content creator "Ryan Celsius". In addition to learning how to format an edit a Wikipedia article from on-site experience, I analyzed my language within the piece to fit with Wikipedia's objective content approach. Celsius is a content creator and 'content organizer' that produces multimedia content for tens of thousands of viewers every week. The individual behind the username has also put out a fair amount of interviews to draw accurate content from. Ryan Celsius represents a growing musical sub-genre which has mirrored the growth of online music streaming and sharing. The individual represents a larger growth of small content creators around the world and would make a valuable Wikipedia article for those looking to research the "Lo-Fi" music phenomena